Saturday, July 4, 2009

Celebrity Birthday of the Day

Happy Birthday, America

Ah, Independence Day, a movie about aliens that come to Earth to, uh... um. Yeah. I have no idea. I guess they just like shit blowed up.

Fun piece of trivia: The director of ID4, Roland Emmerich, is actually a native of Germany. He also directed the movie The Patriot, a Revolutionary War movie starting revolutionary war movie specialist Mel Gibson. 

Pictured: not a Scottish guy, either. 

But all kidding aside, I've always had a problem with July 4th being known as America's Independence Day. Sure, that's the day we sent off a letter to King George telling him, as Sam Seaborn says on The West Wing, to "bite me, if you please." 

But c'mon. Signing a letter doesn't make you independent. You've got to prove that shit, homey (ask them in South Carolina whether they celebrate December 20th as the Confederate Independence Day), and we didn't do that until Cornwallis sued for peace in Yorktown on October 19th, 1781. 

For me, calling July 4th Independence Day is like saying you've lost your virginity when you tell a girl on a Web cam that you'd really like to screw her. 

Sorry, America. But the proof is in the pudding. We weren't independent until we won, and we didn't win until October 15th. 

But that doesn't mean I hate the 4th. On the contrary, it's probably my favorite holiday, as it combines the three great American traditions: BBQ, booze and explosions. 

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