Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A few words about the crappy poll

So I've been doing this wee blog a little more than two weeks now, and I think that given the "who gives a shit?" nature of blogging in general that things are going fairly well. If nothing else, it's given me a chance to do something I really enjoy. 

Mocking people. 

But whether I'm making fun of Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard's hilarious name or pointing out how much my good buddy Eric likes playing with penises (and not just his own!), it's pretty clear my little Bret Michaels poll was a pile of shit. 

Now when I decided to put up a poll up I did so for the same reason anyone puts a poll on their Web site: to see if anyone is, you know, actually paying attention. Sometimes this rather transparent venture can be disguised by a particularly creative poll. But no. I chose to make fun of an easy target: Bret Michaels, and in an obvious way: venereal disease. 

And why? Well, because my roommates had been watching "Daisy of Love." And, you know, I hate that show. 

Furthering the problem was fact that I wrote out the question this way: 

"Which of the follow is a disease is currently being spread by Bret Michaels?" 

Which of the follow? Are you serious, Joe? Get it together man. And "currently being spread" just makes me think of mayonnaise. And Pamela Anderson. 

Haha! Bada bing! 

Uh, wait. Yes, I remember. The poll was a bad idea. It was obvious, badly written and even poorly formatted (that part, at least, wasn't my fault). Remember the point of this post: no more jokes about that poor bastard and his horrible music and many many many veneral diseases. 

So I'm sorry for the poll. That's why, as of this post, the poll is gone. Whether I will post another one no one can say (which means I probably will). I had considered waiting out the ridiculously long time I had set for the poll -- a month -- but my opinion of the poll has gone from amusment to what-the-fuck. So there it goes. 

For the record, my own favorite answer was "Gonorrhea Nervosa." 

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