Saturday, August 22, 2009

A Few Words About the Title of the Blog

So I've been doing the blog for about three months now, and those of you who read it regularly are by now fairly attuned to what it's about: rude jokes, weird trivia, snark and a celebration/recognition of people who don't get enough celebration/recognition.

All that's all fine. But as a matter of semantics, at this point the blog's content doesn't really have anything to do with the title, which of course is Hollywood Humiliation.

Now I explained this in my first post all those moons ago, but it bears repeating: I've decided to make a rather significant life change and pursue the ridiculous dream of working in Hollywood, you know, on movies and stuff.

That explains the Hollywood.

The Humiliation refers to the most likely outcome of such a desire, which is that I get in one way or another humiliated, ie fail miserably.

Like this, only in Hollywood.

And, you know, this seemed like a pretty good title for it at the time. Amusing, but self-deprecating. And I was pretty happy with it until I discussed it with my good friend Liz, and we had this exchange.

"So, what are you calling it?" she asked.

"Hollywood Humiliation," I said. Then I explained the above.

Suddenly she's laughing.

"What?" I said.

"What if people think by humiliation you mean, you know?"


"Oh shit!" I said. "I didn't think of that!"

By then, it was pretty much too late to change it, and by now it's certainly too late. Here at the ol' HH we're up to about 600 unique page views per month, which isn't great or anything, but it's certainly more than you would expect from one dumbass and his funny, funny jokes.

So it makes me wonder whether, you know, people come to the site expecting to find something that isn't here (like, for instance, funny funny jokes).

So for the record, to all of you freaky ass people out there: this blog will never make reference to ball gags, chains, whipping, hot wax, slaves, masters, furries or the like, unless in a humorous context (though when you think about it, how could those things not be humorous, no matter what the context?).

That is all. Feel free to go about your incredibly fucked-up business.



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