Saturday, February 6, 2010

Merry... Superbowl?

So as you all know, or by now have figured out, normally I like to keep to a sort of once a week policy around here. Back in the good ol' days of the blog, I updated much more regularly -- say, every other day. But as this thing has evolved I've moved to longer and longer (and better) posts, which obviously take a lot longer to write.

So right, boo hoo. I get it. The point is: yesterday was my day to do it and well, I managed to get sick and suffer through a fairly serious phlegm exodus and decided instead to watch an excellent documentary about the making of Apocalypse Now called Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse.

Seriously, if you're an Apocalypse Now fan, go watch it. They went crazy-go-nuts making that movie.

Anyhow, this would normally leave today as my day to write about Anti-Heroes, but since tomorrow is the Superbowl -- and that to me is a far better thing than Christmas, the Kentucky Derby and the Lower Oakland Roller Derby Finals all rolled into one -- who would seriously be reading?

I mean, I know I won't. I have a full day planned. The refrigerator is stocked with beer and my head is stocked with plans to drink it.

So allow to me to violate my own rules and wait until Monday finish/work on my next crackerjack update, okay? Thank you. I won't let you down (at least, probably).

In the meantime, via Life on the Bubble, where I first saw this, a clip from what looks to be an excellent documentary on screenwriting -- Tales from the Script.

And yeah, I know, this blog is like 98% about movies and only 2% about screenwriting.

But there's a funny story about a vagina in here, so that makes it okay.

Prediction totally unrelated to this: Saints 31, Colts 28.

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